We would like to announce the newest addition to our Robot family: the /s3/import Robot.

This Robot allows you to import a particular file – or all files in a particular directory – from your Amazon S3 bucket into Transloadit. With this you can transcode entire folders of your S3 buckets automatically, before the conversion results are stored again in the corresponding folders. This is very nice for batch-processing a large number of files.

The Robot is still in beta, so any feedback regarding how it works is welcome. As always, feature requests are also very welcome. The documentation for this Robot can be found here.

You might argue that S3 can speak HTTP, so why not just use the http/import Robot? Well, the /s3/import Robot can do full directory scanning, supports protected buckets that http/import could not access, and makes up for lower bandwidth costs if you are also in the EC2 US-East region. As you can see, there are quite a few valuable advantages here! 😄

Like all other import Robot, the /s3/import Robot is completely free of charge.

We hope you will enjoy this latest release!