In web and application development, efficiently handling images is crucial for performance and user experience. Whether you're working on a personal project or managing a large-scale application, automating image processing tasks can save you valuable time and ensure consistency. In this DevTip, we'll explore how to use ImageMagick's powerful command-line tools for batch resizing and format conversion, enabling you to process multiple images efficiently.

Introduction to ImageMagick

ImageMagick is a versatile, open-source software suite for displaying, converting, and editing raster image files. Widely adopted in the developer community, it supports over 200 image formats and provides robust command-line tools for performing complex image manipulations. From simple resizing to advanced effects application, ImageMagick offers a flexible and efficient solution for various image processing needs.

Setting up ImageMagick

Before diving into the commands, you'll need to install ImageMagick on your system. The installation process varies depending on your operating system.

Installing on macOS

For macOS users, install ImageMagick using Homebrew:

brew install imagemagick

Installing on Linux

On Ubuntu or Debian-based distributions:

sudo apt-get install imagemagick

Installing on Windows

For Windows users, download the installer from the official ImageMagick download page and follow the setup instructions.

Batch resizing images using ImageMagick

How do I resize multiple images at once using ImageMagick?

To resize multiple images simultaneously, you can use the mogrify command, which is designed for bulk image processing. Unlike convert, which writes output to a different file, mogrify modifies the original files. Therefore, it's advisable to work on copies or backup your images before processing.

Resizing images in bulk

To resize all JPEG images in a directory to a width of 800 pixels while maintaining the aspect ratio:

mogrify -resize 800 *.jpg

This command processes all .jpg files in the current directory, resizing them to a width of 800 pixels. The height is automatically adjusted to maintain the original aspect ratio.

Preserving original files

To preserve the original images and save the resized versions in a separate directory, use the -path option:

mkdir resized
mogrify -path resized -resize 800 *.jpg

This command creates a resized directory and stores the resized images there, leaving the originals untouched.

Converting image formats in bulk

How can I convert images from one format to another using ImageMagick?

ImageMagick makes it simple to convert images from one format to another using the mogrify command.

Converting JPEG to PNG

To convert all JPEG images in a directory to PNG format:

mogrify -format png *.jpg

This command creates new .png files while keeping the original .jpg files intact, allowing for easy comparison or backup.

Combining resizing and format conversion

Combining resizing and format conversion in a single command

You can combine multiple operations in a single command to efficiently process your images, saving time and reducing the number of steps in your workflow.

Resize and convert simultaneously

To resize images and convert them to a different format simultaneously:

mogrify -resize 800 -format png *.jpg

This command resizes all .jpg images to a width of 800 pixels and saves them as .png files, performing both operations in one pass.

Automating image processing tasks

Automating tasks with shell scripts

For repetitive tasks or complex workflows, you can automate the process using shell scripts, making your image processing more efficient and less prone to errors.

Sample shell script

Create a script named


# Create directories for outputs
mkdir -p resized/png

# Resize images
mogrify -path resized -resize 800 *.jpg

# Convert resized images to PNG
mogrify -path resized/png -format png resized/*.jpg

Make the script executable:

chmod +x

Run the script:


This script resizes all .jpg images to 800 pixels in width, saves them in the resized directory, and then converts those images to .png format in the resized/png directory, demonstrating a more complex workflow automation.

Practical examples and use cases

  • Preparing Images for Web Use: Optimize images for faster load times by resizing and converting them to web-friendly formats, improving your site's performance.
  • Standardizing Image Assets: Ensure all images in a project meet specific dimensions and formats, maintaining consistency across your application or website.
  • Bulk Processing Scanned Documents: Convert and resize scanned images for consistent archival storage, making document management more efficient.
  • Creating Thumbnails: Automatically generate thumbnails for image galleries or product catalogs, enhancing user experience in media-rich applications.


Automating image processing tasks with ImageMagick can significantly enhance your productivity as a developer. By leveraging command-line tools like mogrify, you can efficiently batch resize and convert images, streamlining your workflow and ensuring consistency across your projects.

Transloadit utilizes ImageMagick in several of our Image Manipulation robots, such as the Image Resize Robot, to provide robust and scalable image processing solutions. If you're looking to automate image processing tasks in your application at scale, consider exploring what Transloadit has to offer for seamless integration and powerful image handling capabilities.