Implementing OCR in Android and iOS apps with open-source SDKs

Adding OCR capabilities to your Android and iOS apps can significantly enhance functionality by enabling text extraction from images. This guide walks you through integrating Tesseract OCR—a widely used open-source SDK—into your mobile applications for robust text recognition.
Introduction to OCR in mobile apps
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology extracts text from digital images. Implementing OCR in mobile apps opens up possibilities for document scanning, text extraction, and improved user experiences by converting images into editable text.
Before integrating OCR in your mobile apps, ensure you meet these requirements:
- Android: API 21+ (Android 5.0+)
- iOS: iOS 9.0+
- Appropriate tessdata files for your target languages
- For Android API 29+, tessdata files must reside in the app's private directories
Overview of open-source OCR SDKs
Tesseract OCR is a leading open-source engine known for its powerful text recognition capabilities. The latest version (5.5.0) offers improved accuracy and performance. For mobile platforms, we use platform-specific wrappers: Tesseract4Android for Android and TesseractOCRiOS for iOS.
Setting up tesseract OCR in Android
To integrate Tesseract OCR into your Android app, follow these steps:
Add Tesseract4Android to your project by including the dependency in your Gradle file:
dependencies { implementation 'cz.adaptech.tesseract4android:tesseract4android:4.8.0' // For multi-threaded support, use: // implementation 'cz.adaptech.tesseract4android:tesseract4android-openmp:4.8.0' }
Include the trained data files:
Download the appropriate
files from the Tesseract OCR Data GitHub repository and place them in your app's assets directory undertessdata/
Implementing OCR in an Android app
Below is an example of how to implement OCR functionality in your Android application:
public class OCRManager {
private TessBaseAPI tessBaseAPI;
private Context context;
public OCRManager(Context context) {
this.context = context;
private void initTesseract() {
tessBaseAPI = new TessBaseAPI();
String dataPath = context.getFilesDir() + "/tesseract/";
// Initialize with English language
if (!tessBaseAPI.init(dataPath, "eng")) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to initialize Tesseract");
public String extractTextFromImage(Bitmap bitmap) {
return tessBaseAPI.getUTF8Text();
public void release() {
if (tessBaseAPI != null) {
tessBaseAPI = null;
Ensure that OCR operations run on a background thread to avoid blocking the UI.
Setting up tesseract OCR in iOS
To integrate Tesseract OCR into your iOS app, follow these steps:
Add TesseractOCRiOS via CocoaPods by updating your Podfile:
platform :ios, '9.0' use_frameworks! target 'YourApp' do pod 'TesseractOCRiOS', '5.0.1' end
Install the dependencies by running:
pod install
Implementing OCR in an iOS app
The following Objective-C example demonstrates how to implement OCR functionality in your iOS app:
@interface OCRManager : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, strong) G8Tesseract *tesseract;
- (instancetype)init;
- (NSString *)extractTextFromImage:(UIImage *)image;
@implementation OCRManager
- (instancetype)init {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
_tesseract = [[G8Tesseract alloc] initWithLanguage:@"eng"];
_tesseract.engineMode = G8OCREngineModeTesseractOnly;
_tesseract.pageSegmentationMode = G8PageSegmentationModeAuto;
return self;
- (NSString *)extractTextFromImage:(UIImage *)image {
self.tesseract.image = [image g8_blackAndWhite];
[self.tesseract recognize];
return self.tesseract.recognizedText;
As with Android, perform OCR operations on a background thread to maintain a responsive user interface.
Tips for optimizing OCR performance
To achieve optimal OCR performance in your mobile apps, consider the following best practices:
Image Preprocessing:
- Convert images to grayscale.
- Apply adaptive thresholding or binarization.
- Reduce noise using filters such as Gaussian blur.
- Ensure image resolution is around 300-400 DPI for best results.
Resource Management:
- Reuse TessBaseAPI or G8Tesseract instances if processing multiple images.
- Release resources properly once OCR processing is complete.
- Cache results for frequently processed images to improve performance.
Threading Considerations:
- TessBaseAPI and G8Tesseract are not thread-safe; use separate instances for concurrent operations.
- Run all OCR tasks on background threads to prevent UI blocking.
Performance Optimization:
- Choose appropriate page segmentation modes for your specific use case.
- Limit recognition to expected character sets to reduce processing time.
Integrating OCR capabilities into your mobile apps with open-source SDKs like Tesseract OCR unlocks powerful text recognition features. By following these implementation guidelines and optimization tips, you can build efficient and accurate OCR functionality in your applications.
For advanced file processing, including image manipulation and document processing, consider exploring Transloadit's services.