Launching new iPhone SDK for enhanced file handling

We have been hard at work again this weekend, and one of the first fruits of our labor is our shiny new Transloadit iPhone SDK:

This SDK contains a simple example project, as well as a stand-alone TransloaditRequest
class for
use in your apps. It can handle images just as well as videos, and the project also uses threading
to make sure your users have a great experience without any UI freezes.
A huge thanks goes out to Ben Copsey for creating the fantastic ASIHttpRequest library that we are using for this SDK.
The iPhone SDK is the first one we are releasing, because it is the most challenging to roll yourself. Now that this is done, you can expect full-featured examples for PHP and Ruby to show up in our GitHub account soon.
In the meantime, we hope you'll enjoy this latest release!
UPDATE: This SDK has been deprecated, and we have now introduced a shinier, better Transloadit iOS/macOS SDK.