New API for Template management & improved Assembly API docs

We'd like to make two big announcements concerning our API today.
The first one is about a whole new API that we have shipped today! It's an API to manage your Templates. Many people have asked if it's possible to do so programmatically. Proposed use cases included creating Templates on the fly, spotting & removing duplicates, and so on.
Starting today, we support Create, Read, Update, Delete actions on all your Templates, as well as searching & listing.
Please check out the Template API documentation and let us know what you think. Feedback is welcome as we're always looking how to refine new features to get the closest match to our your wishes & use cases.
The second announcement is about our Assembly API. There is no major change, but we have redesigned the API documentation to be more clean, concise and clear. We felt the old design and copy lacked clarity that drove off users that could have benefited from our technology. Pages were sometimes a bit long and clunky and it wasn't very clear where to start.
We feel the new copy is a big improvement, and makes it much clearer what is required and optional for each request, and what the heck params and signatures are for.
Please check out the new Assembly API documentation. It's crucial for us that these documents are great, so your feedback is again more than welcome. We'll grant free Transloadit credit to the most useful contributions!
Enjoy the new changes!