Official Transloadit Node.js SDK with full API support

We are thrilled to release the first official Transloadit Node.js SDK!
It has support for all of our API features. You can fully automate working with Assemblies, Notifications, Templates. Signature Authentication works out of the box, and we are also shipping a few code samples.
Check out the SDK here, it is already on version 1.2.0.
As always, feedback is very welcome!
P.S. We owe a great deal of thanks to Ian Hansen of Digital Ocean
for transferring ownership of the transloadit
NPM package name to us. Ian was the first to release
a node module for Transloadit and that code will remain available under v0.0.0
Also a tip of the hat to Geoff van der Meer who released the first unofficial Node.js SDK back in 2012.