Transloadit sponsors dotJS conference & offers free ticket

dotJS is the largest JavaScript conference in Europe, and a great place for developers to meet and learn from each other.
From their website:
Our mission is to bring the best hackers in the world together in Paris to let them share their unique insights with you all. Creators of the most popular open source libraries, JS experts, TC39 members: you can trust us to invite the best of them.
There will be no marketing speeches, no buzzword cover-ups. Speaking slots are not for sale.
Unique to dotJS are their 20 minute tracks:
Short talks are the best way to stay focused during both deep technical dives and general introductions to new exciting projects.
dotJS will take place in Paris on December 7 and Transloadit is proud to be a sponsor! Also, you guessed it, we are offering a free ticket to the conference again!
Transloadit 💞 js
Transloadit is a file uploading and encoding service. Launched in 2009 by three developers who met through the open source community, customers have been loving our clever API and top-notch support ever since.
We are the company that has been running Node.js in production the longest. As such, we had to invent a few wheels along the way. With those wheels we have helped to put the world in motion, so to speak. Most notable of those are: node-mysql, node-formidable, and node-retry. These are modules that are now industry standards for dealing with MySQL, file uploads, and networked/unreliable systems. We have also contributed a lot to Node.js itself.
Great. But what have you written for me lately?
Well, our latest significant open source project is tus. tus is our most ambitious open source project yet: its goal is to change how the world does file uploading.
tus is an open standard for resumable file uploads that was started by Transloadit, and collaborated on by employees at Google, Yahoo, the director of engineering at Vimeo, an author of HTTP/1.1, and the creator of ZeroMQ. We are writing implementations of this protocol for all popular languages, so that developers around the globe can add drop-in self-hosted reliable uploading to their projects. It functions as a layer on top of HTTP, so it's easy to reason about, inspect, extend, and deploy in both existing projects and infra.
Vimeo has already announced that they will be adopting tus for all their video uploading.
The golden ticket ✨
So what does the free ticket to dotJS include?
- Free admission (saving you 189EUR)
- Talks by bright minds on a wide range of topics
- A full supply of drinks and food
How to win 🏆
If you are near Paris on December 7 and would like to attend dotJS, let us know on Twitter and you're competing in our raffle. Done.
You can, however, also increase your likelihood of winning as the raffle is weighted. Since we're trying to spread the word about tus and Transloadit, we will reward you with cumulative boosts of gratitude if you help us with that:
- Asking for the ticket on Twitter: 1
- Following us on Twitter: +1
- Tweeting nice things about (t)us: +1
- Being a paying customer: +1
This way anybody is able to triple - and our customers are able to quadruple - their chances of winning.
Let us know before December 1st. Good luck and we hope to see you there! 😄
P.S. If you're looking to organize a conference or hackathon and are still looking for sponsors, shoot an email to, we love to help!