Sponsoring the upcoming Node.js Knockout hackathon

Here's just a quick note and some instructions for Node.js Knockout. Node Knockout is a 48-hour long hackathon featuring Node.js. It is an online, virtual competition with contestants from all over the world. Coding takes place from November 7, 2015 0:00 UTC to November 8, 2015 23:59 UTC. Judging and public voting take place the following week.
This is the fifth year it is being held. This year it is organized by Sakina Crocker, and we have worked with her to arrange for some nice prizes and plans!
Prizes 🏆
For the winners, we're handing out:
- Free Kindle Paperwhites
- Free 6-month subscriptions to Transloadit's Small Business plan
See here for more details.
Transloadit is a file uploading & encoding service. Launched by three developers who met through open source in 2009, customers have been loving our clever API and top-notch support ever since.
We are the company that has been running Node.js in production the longest. As such, we had to invent a few wheels - that we subsequently shared with the world. Most notably: node-mysql, node-formidable, and node-retry. These are modules that are now industry standards for dealing with MySQL, file uploads, and networked/unreliable systems. We have also contributed a lot to Node.js itself.
Using Transloadit in the hackathon
If your idea can benefit from file uploading or audio/video/image/document/webpage conversion, you can use Transloadit free of charge during the Hackathon.
You can signup for the Sandbox plan, which requires no credit card, and includes 2 GB worth of data usage. If you need more, please get in touch so we can upgrade it for you - free of charge.
Transloadit supports saving the resulting media to many targets: your own server via (S)FTP, Azure, Cloud Files, and S3. But for the Hackathon, not everybody may have access to resources like this.
So, we have decided to not only sponsor prizes and plans, but also access to a special
S3 bucket. If you'd like to make use of this additional offer, please
contact us to obtain credentials.
There are, however, some limitations:
- It is a shared Node Knockout bucket. This means that all contenders can see each others files. Make sure to not upload sensitive data
- The bucket's account & contents are available for the duration of the Hackathon (including judging)
- We reserve the right to remove files or block access. For instance in cases of extremely high traffic or illegal content
- Play nice. We are aware this shared bucket isn't air-tight in terms of abuse, and we are providing this as a courtesy.
The following S3 operations are allowed:
If you have any remarks or questions, please use the speech bubble on the lower-right on our website. You can then chat instantly with us when we're around, and it falls back to email when we're not. You can also try Twitter and some of us will hang out in the #nodeknockout IRC Channel on Freenode during the hackathon from time to time (look for tim-kos, Acconut, kvz).