The Dev Times #3

Halfway through each month, our newsletter for developers: The Dev Times, brings three reads that our own developers found interesting on the web, and two Transloadit updates that may interest you.
JSON Schemas for common JSON file formats
The JSON API contains a list of JSON Schema files for known JSON file formats, like package.json
. Adding these definition files can be useful for things like command line validators or editor auto-completion.
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30 seconds of code
A curated collection of JavaScript snippets that you can understand in 30 seconds or less. Check it out ›
Raising prices (for new customers)
We know it's not the most popular thing to do, but to enable another ten years of growth, Transloadit is raising its prices. Read why and how it may affect you ›
Uppy talk on Manhattan.js
Our own Artur Paikin gave a talk on our open source file uploader Uppy that is taking the world by storm. Take a minute and check out the video inside. He won't bite! ›