Halfway through each month, our newsletter for developers: The Dev Times, brings three reads that our own developers found interesting on the web, and two Transloadit updates that may interest you.

Video-to-Video Translation

Researchers from NVIDIA have pioneered a novel approach to video-to-video translation. The PyTorch code can be used for multiple scenarios, including generating human bodies from given poses. Impressive, if rather scary! Read post ›

Removing jQuery from GitHub.com

In this post, GitHub explains their history with jQuery. It recounts how they came to depend on jQuery in the first place, how they realized when it was no longer needed, and points out that — instead of replacing it with another library or framework — they were able to achieve everything that they needed using standard browser APIs. Read post ›

The Ultimate Guide to Proper Use of Animation in UX

Nowadays, it’s hard to impress or even surprise with an interface animation, but it's easy to mess up or overdo. So, wouldn't it be nice to have one article where all rules concerning animation of interfaces are clearly and practically described? Luckily, this guide does just that! Read post ›

We're Hiring a Technical Writer

We are looking for a part-time Technical Writer, ideal for CS students or freelance developers with some spare time. Read all about it here ›

Uppy hits 12000 stars on Github

This is a big milestone for us and it literally would not have been possible without all those Stargazers! We'd like to thank the community and all contributors for making Uppy the best file uploader in the game. Thank you for the appreciation! Learn More! ›