The Dev Times #71

Halfway through each month, our newsletter for developers: The Dev Times, brings three reads that our own developers found interesting on the web, and two Transloadit updates that may interest you.
Svelte 5.0 - introducing runes
Svelte is already one of the most beloved JS frameworks, and as part of Svelte 5.0, the Svelte team is continuing to improve the developer experience with the addition of runes. Runes allow for much finer control over your program's reactivity, acting as an explicit identifier for reactive variables. In complex projects, this change makes it far easier to track the effects of your code, leading to less confusion over which variables are reactive. It's not quite ready for production, but there is a preview site with a playground where you can try this release out first. Dive in ›
Bun 1.0
Bun 1.0 has finally arrived, and it is faster than ever. If you're not already aware of Bun, it's an all-in-one toolkit for running, building, testing and debugging JavaScript and TypeScript. Since Bun is an all-in-one solution, it avoids the need for a variety of tools to redundantly parse your code, as well as the various adapters and plugins that are necessary to stitch all these tools together. It is a complete drop-in replacement for Node.js, making it easy to get started for someone already familiar with Node. Learn more ›
Tart 2.0.0
The Tart ecosystem has grown considerably since 1.0.0 back in February, with several new companies now using Tart in their workflow (including Transloadit!). As part of this recent growth, the Tart team have been able to work on a whole suite of new features for Tart 2.0.0. If you're yet to use Tart, it is a virtualization toolset to build, run and manage virtual machines on Apple silicon. Thanks to Apple's virtualization framework, Tart is able to provide native performance, without any drawbacks. And if that's not enough, integrating with your existing automation tools is completely seamless, only needing a couple lines of code. Read more ›
Goodbye to Google Analytics
We have always been committed to providing the best possible experience for our users, and part of that commitment involves continuously evaluating and improving our practices. Today, we want to share a significant change we made some time ago: we have stopped using Google Analytics on our platform. For more insight behind this decision, check out the full blog. Check it out ›
Supabase adds resumable uploads using Tus
Open source is at the heart of Transloadit, with two of our projects, Uppy and Tus, making an impact in their respective fields. Following this theme, we are excited to shine a light on Supabase, an open-source backend as a service, who have recently adopted the Tus protocol to allow for resumable uploads. Take a look ›