Automating your YouTube uploads can save you significant time. In this tutorial, you will learn how to leverage youtubeuploader—a modern, Go-based CLI tool—to efficiently manage your video publishing workflow through the command line.

Important YouTube API limitations

Before diving into the implementation, note these critical restrictions imposed by the YouTube API:

  • New API projects are restricted to uploading private videos until verified by Google.
  • The default quota permits approximately six video uploads per 24 hours.
  • OAuth 2.0 credentials must be correctly configured.
  • Unverified apps require adding test users in the OAuth consent screen.

Installing youtubeuploader

Download and install the precompiled youtubeuploader binary for your platform:

# For Linux 64-bit
tar xf youtubeuploader_1.24.4_linux_amd64.tar.gz

# For macOS
tar xf youtubeuploader_1.24.4_darwin_amd64.tar.gz

For Windows users, download the appropriate zip file from the releases page and extract it.

Setting up oauth authentication

Configure OAuth 2.0 credentials by following these steps:

  1. Visit the Google Cloud Console.
  2. Create a new project or select an existing one.
  3. Navigate to APIs & Services and enable the YouTube Data API v3.
  4. Configure the OAuth consent screen by setting your application name, support email, required scopes, and adding test users (for unverified apps).
  5. Create OAuth credentials by selecting the "Web application" type and adding http://localhost:8080/oauth2callback as an authorized redirect URI.
  6. Download the resulting client_secrets.json file and place it in your working directory.

Basic upload commands

Below are practical examples to upload videos using youtubeuploader:

# Simple video upload
youtubeuploader -filename video.mp4 -title "My Video"

# Upload with metadata from parameters and a JSON file
youtubeuploader -filename video.mp4 \
  -title "My Video" \
  -description "Video description" \
  -privacy "private" \
  -tags "tag1,tag2" \
  -metaJSON metadata.json

# Upload with rate limiting (1000 kbps)
youtubeuploader -filename video.mp4 \
  -title "My Video" \
  -ratelimit 1000

Managing video metadata

Create a metadata.json file to specify comprehensive video information:

  "title": "My Video",
  "description": "Video description\nWith multiple lines",
  "tags": ["tag1", "tag2"],
  "privacyStatus": "private",
  "madeForKids": false,
  "embeddable": true,
  "license": "creativeCommon",
  "publicStatsViewable": true,
  "categoryId": "22",
  "recordingdate": "2024-02-05"

Upload the video with metadata by running:

youtubeuploader -filename video.mp4 -metaJSON metadata.json

Batch upload script

The following shell script automates the upload of multiple videos:


RATE_LIMIT=1000  # Kbps

upload_with_retry() {
  local video=$1
  local metadata=$2
  local max_attempts=3
  local attempt=1

  while [ $attempt -le $max_attempts ]; do
    if [ -f "$metadata" ]; then
      youtubeuploader -filename "$video" \
        -metaJSON "$metadata" \
        -ratelimit "$RATE_LIMIT" && return 0
      youtubeuploader -filename "$video" \
        -title "$(basename "$video" .mp4)" \
        -privacy "private" \
        -ratelimit "$RATE_LIMIT" && return 0

    echo "Attempt $attempt failed. Retrying in 30 seconds..."
    attempt=$((attempt + 1))
    sleep 30

  return 1

for video in "$VIDEO_DIR"/*.mp4; do
  filename=$(basename "$video")

  echo "Processing $filename"
  if upload_with_retry "$video" "$metadata"; then
    echo "Successfully uploaded $filename"
    echo "Failed to upload $filename after multiple attempts"

  # Respect YouTube API quotas
  sleep 300  # Wait 5 minutes between uploads

Make the script executable with:

chmod +x

Automated upload integration

This Node.js script watches a directory and automatically uploads new videos:

const { exec } = require('child_process')
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const util = require('util')

const execAsync = util.promisify(exec)
const RATE_LIMIT = 1000 // Kbps

const processAndUpload = async (videoPath) => {
  try {
    const metadata = {
      title: path.basename(videoPath, path.extname(videoPath)),
      description: `Uploaded on ${new Date().toISOString()}`,
      tags: ['auto-upload'],
      privacyStatus: 'private',
      madeForKids: false,
      embeddable: true,
      publicStatsViewable: true,

    const metadataPath = `${videoPath}.json`
    fs.writeFileSync(metadataPath, JSON.stringify(metadata, null, 2))

    const command = `youtubeuploader -filename "${videoPath}" -metaJSON "${metadataPath}" -ratelimit ${RATE_LIMIT}`
    const { stdout, stderr } = await execAsync(command)
    if (stderr) {
      console.error(`Upload stderr: ${stderr}`)
    console.log(`Upload successful: ${stdout}`)

  } catch (error) {
    console.error(`Upload failed: ${error.message}`)

const watchDir = './uploads', (eventType, filename) => {
  if (eventType === 'rename' && filename.match(/\.(mp4|mov)$/i)) {
    const videoPath = path.join(watchDir, filename)
    if (fs.existsSync(videoPath)) {
      setTimeout(() => {
      }, 1000) // Wait for file to be fully written

console.log(`Watching ${watchDir} for new videos...`)

Troubleshooting common issues

Rate limiting and bandwidth control

Control the upload bandwidth to avoid network congestion:

# Limit upload speed to 1000 kbps
youtubeuploader -filename video.mp4 -ratelimit 1000

# Limit bandwidth during business hours
youtubeuploader -filename video.mp4 -ratelimit 1000 -limitBetween 9:00-17:00

Authentication issues

If you encounter authentication problems:

  1. Delete existing OAuth tokens (typically located in ~/.youtubeuploader.json).
  2. Regenerate client_secrets.json from the Google Cloud Console.
  3. Run youtubeuploader again to initiate a new authentication flow.
  4. Ensure test users are added in the OAuth consent screen if your app remains unverified.

Network and API errors

For intermittent failures:

  1. Implement retry logic with increasing delays.
  2. Monitor API quota usage in the Google Cloud Console.
  3. Use the -ratelimit flag to manage bandwidth.
  4. Introduce delays between uploads (a wait time of 300 seconds or more is recommended).


youtubeuploader offers a robust solution for automating YouTube uploads via the command line. Its features for metadata management, rate limiting, and batch processing make it an ideal tool for developers aiming to streamline their video publishing workflow.

For advanced video processing needs before uploading to YouTube, consider using Transloadit's Video Encoding Service to prepare your videos for optimal quality and compatibility.