Transloadit sponsors Reject.js 2015 & offers free ticket

Reject.JS is an annual, community-driven JavaScript conference that will be held in Berlin on September 24, 2015 - this Thursday! It is for the community and by the community, and intended for people whose talk did not get accepted to JSConf EU, as well as attendees who didn't get a ticket to that event.
In addition to Nodevember, we are also sponsoring Reject.JS and we have a free ticket to give away for the conference!
The event's organization team has succeeded in attracting some fine speakers who will give talks on a wide range of JavaScript-related topics. To read about the full schedule, please head over to the Reject.JS website.
Tickets to Reject.JS are already sold out, so you have a rare chance here to get one of the very few ones available.
I will also be attending Reject.JS myself, so if you would like to meet me and chat about Transloadit, or about tech in general, Berlin or your favorite kind of beer, this will be your chance! 😄
The golden ticket ✨
So what does the free ticket to Reject.JS include?
- Free admission (saving you 60EUR)
- Admission to all talks
- Non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks throughout the day
- A delicious lunch
- After party
How to win 🏆
If you are in Berlin on September 24 (this Thursday) and would like to attend Reject.JS, let us know on Twitter and you're competing in our raffle. Done.
You do, however, also have the option to increase your likelihood of winning as the raffle is weighted. Since we are looking to spread the word about tus and Transloadit, we will reward you with cumulative boosts of gratitude if you help us with that:
- Asking for the ticket on Twitter: 1
- Following us on Twitter: +1
- Tweeting nice things about (t)us: +1
- Being a paying customer: +1
This way, anybody is able to triple - and our customers are able to quadruple - their chances of winning.
Let us know before Wednesday September rd, 4 pm CEST. Good luck and I hope to see you there! 😄
P.S. If you're looking to organize a conference or hackathon and are still looking for sponsors, shoot an email to, we love to help!
Update - The lucky developer to win the free tickets was Stefán Vignir!