Automate your automation: launching the Transloadit integration for Zapier

We are happy to announce that we are ready to launch the Transloadit integration for Zapier. A beta version was already made available a few months ago for testing purposes and a lot of progress has been made as a result of that. With all the i’s dotted, t’s crossed and sharp edges generally smoothened out, we are now comfortable to slap a 1.0 tag onto it and see what people can do with this new toy.

Transloadit <3 Zapier
Zapier is a service that lets you create extensive automated workflows by connecting various web services and using the output of one as the input for another. It is similar to IFTTT, but aimed at businesses and not confined to just smartphones. Once set up, Zapier moves info between the services automatically, allowing you to focus on more important work. To give an example: you could automatically create a record of every new email in Gmail in Google Sheets, save its attachments in Dropbox, and then notify Slack of every successful completion.
The service is also remarkably easy to use. Anyone can build complex workflows with just a few simple clicks – no knowledge of coding required. By letting you integrate, automate and innovate, Zapier makes sure that your hands (and time) are free to do the work that matters to you most.
In that sense, Transloadit and Zapier are very much alike: what Zapier is to API services, Transloadit is to files. And like Zapier, Transloadit is also passionate about relieving you from the tedious busywork that tends to fill up your workday. Whether it is resizing thousands of images, converting hours upon hours of videos, or exporting many gigabytes worth of files to a secure storage, Transloadit can handle all of it without you having to spend another second worrying about it.
With that in mind, we thought it was a real no-brainer that a Transloadit integration should be developed and made available for Zapier. With this new integration, both services can now be used in conjunction to achieve something greater than the sum of their parts. The Zapier community gets access to the world’s most advanced uploading and processing service and Transloadit users will be able to integrate and augment our already versatile service with over a thousand other services already on the Zapier platform.
Try it yourself
By using the Transloadit integration for Zapier, you will be able to further enrich your workflows. From syncing with Dropbox or automatically processing files that were sent to you in Gmail, to adding records of this directly to Google Sheets – the possibilities are virtually endless. We have included a list of ready-to-use integrations below, but we invite you to take a look at the integration page on Zapier yourself to see what you can do with it!
You could, for instance, make videos compatible for iPad, but you can also create a Transloadit Template with your own unique workflow, and have Zapier execute that.
For those interested, the technical details of this integration can all be found in our own docs.
We hope you’ll enjoy using the Transloadit service in combination with Zapier. And as always, we would love to hear your feedback!