The Dev Times #7

Halfway through each month, our newsletter for developers: The Dev Times, brings three reads that our own developers found interesting on the web, and two Transloadit updates that may interest you.
Google Webfonts Helper
This service is very handy if you want to directly download all .eot, .woff, .woff2, .svg, .ttf files of a Google font. Furthermore, it provides charset customization and CSS snippets, so if Google doesn't need to know who visited your website, getting fonts ready for self-hosting now becomes a breeze. Read post ›
A Bitter Guide To Open Source
There are a ton of reasons why Open Source is a great thing for you and your career, from doing wonders for your (personal) brand, to growing as a developer, and it feels great every single time someone thanks you for a project. But what about the downsides? Read post ›
Accidental breaking change for the crop resize strategy
We recently deployed a backward-compatibility-breaking change. We learned that instead of functioning as advertised, our resize strategy 'crop' mimicked the behavior of its counterpart: 'fillcrop'. In fixing this, we failed to consider that some customers might have been relying on the bad behavior. As of now, we have temporarily reverted the change. Still, if you were accustomed to using our 'crop' resize strategy, please switch to 'fillcrop' instead. Any badly resized affected images can be re-resized if you also exported the ':original' files. Read post ›
Zapier integration launched
We are very happy to announce that we have launched the Transloadit integration for Zapier. A beta version was already made available a few months ago for testing purposes and a lot of progress has been made as a result of that. We are now comfortable to slap a 1.0 tag onto it and see what people can do with this new toy. Read post ›