The Dev Times #16

Halfway through each month, our newsletter for developers: The Dev Times, brings three reads that our own developers found interesting on the web, and two Transloadit updates that may interest you. Multiplayer - Real-time code collaboration
After a complete redesign of their system infrastructure, the team at now lets you collaborate with friends in the same editor, execute programs in the same interpreter, interact with the same terminal, chat in the IDE, edit files, share the same system resources, and even ship applications from the same interface. Some of its uses range from teaching and conducting interviews, to working on fast-paced code jams! Read More ›
AI researchers pave the way for translating brain waves into speech
Using NVIDIA TITAN and NVIDIA Tesla GPUs with the cuDNN-accelerated TensorFlow deep learning framework, researchers from Columbia University were able to develop deep learning models that could recite sequences of numbers with 75% accuracy, using a computer-generated voice. With data provided by a neurosurgeon from the Northwell Health Physician Partners Neuroscience Institute, this could indicate a big step towards helping those suffering from paralysis and locked-in syndrome. Check out the full article ›
Better web video with AV1 codec
Both YouTube and Netflix have named AV1 a video codec for the future: both have been using AV1 for a while, with Google implementing it on their experimental Youtube features site - TestTube - and Netflix already utilising it in their streaming service. The codec is also already supported by Chrome and Firefox, boasting an impressive average reduction in size of 30-50% compared to H.264/VP8. In this article, you will learn how to replace your own GIFs with videos, using AV1 or H.264 — with the added benefit of making your files twenty to forty times smaller. Read More ›
Changing TransloadIt legal entity from Ltd to GmbH
We are changing Transloadit's legal entity from a British "Ltd" to a German "GmbH". You won't notice any changes on the operational side. Bank statements and tax numbers will change, however. If you have signed contracts with us, you may want to sign updated versions featuring our new name. Please reach out if that is the case. Learn More! ›
Re-loadit: the /upload/handle Robot
This blog post is the third part of the series that we're calling Re-loadit, this time focusing on an integral member of the Transloadit Robot family. In this article, we will explain how the /upload/handle Robot takes care of both single and multiple file uploads without any issues. It is by far the simplest method of uploading files to Transloadit, and can be used alongside your HTML forms. Learn More! ›