The Dev Times #22

Halfway through each month, our newsletter for developers: The Dev Times, brings three reads that our own developers found interesting on the web, and two Transloadit updates that may interest you.
Shariff gives social media buttons some privacy
Facebook, Google+ and Twitter supply official sharing code snippets that quietly siphon personal data from all page visitors. If a media outlet embeds a tweet, a Facebook post or other social media content in their website, it exposes visitor data to the social media sites that can track the user behaviour. Fortunately, Shariff is here to help. This open source solution gives the user the choice: Shariff makes the embedded content visible via a proxy that doesn't directly expose the user's data. Learn more. ›
Amazon Aurora Multi-Master
Amazon Aurora is a relational database engine that combines the speed and reliability of high-end commercial databases with the simplicity and cost-effectiveness of open source databases. It delivers up to five times the throughput of standard MySQL and up to three times the throughput of standard PostgreSQL. As a result, one of the many things you can do is run MySQL applications without modification. With the recently added Multi-Master functionallity, you can always write to multiple nodes within a region, without having to do any failovers of a primary/write node. Check it out. ›
Divjoy - The React codebase and UI generator
The goal of Divjoy is to make it ridiculously easy to start a new React project. You just select all the things you want in your codebase (UI kit, React framework, auth provider, analytics, form handling, etc.), pick a template, then export/eject it as a complete codebase that you can keep building on. It also has a built-in editor, which is ideal for new developers. You can view the entire component hierarchy right in the tool and drag in pre-built sections from the component library. Divjoy boasts that you will never need to write complex flow boilerplate again. Read post ›
10 Years of Transloadit!
Happy birthday to... us! Over the course of the past 10 years, Transloadit has grown from being little more than an idea in the minds of three young developers into a bustling company with a core team of more than 10 people, providing our file uploading and processing service to companies around the world. To celebrate, we want to offer a token of our appreciation to our most loyal customers. So, for the next 10 years, customers who have been with Transloadit for 10 years can claim a 10-year-old bottle of wine. In addition, anyone can use the coupon code TRANSLOADIT10X to knock 10% off the first year of any plan upgrade or signup (valid until 28 September 2019). Read more. ›
Let’s build a real-time video uploading platform while writing no code
We have created a plugin for the service, which offers users the ease of building MVPs by leveraging Transloadit's encoding services — all without writing a single line of code. In this blog, post we'll show how you can use this plugin in combination with our own amazing Robots to add uploading and processing capablities to your app. Check out the post! ›