The Dev Times #45

Halfway through each month, our newsletter for developers: The Dev Times, brings three reads that our own developers found interesting on the web, and two Transloadit updates that may interest you.
WaveFunctionCollapse is a self-contained algorithm that teaches your computer how to generate bitmaps and tilemaps. It takes an archetypical input with the vibe you wish to achieve and then procedurally generates an output that can be used in repetition, based on your input. Read the post ›
New Linux kernel bug
Qualys researchers have been on a vulnerability diagnosis hot streak, revealing how attackers can acquire root access on vulnerable Linux machines by exploiting a local privilege escalation vulnerability in the default configurations of the Linux kernel's filesystem. Furthermore, they uncovered a stack exhaustion denial-of-service vulnerability. Due to the team's efforts, a patch has been released that all Linux users should apply immediately. Check it out ›
Mitchell Hashimoto's new role at HashiCorp
Mitchell Hashimoto, the founder of HashiCorp, has opted to step down from his role as CTO to shift to a full-time engineering position as an individual contributor. After careful consideration, he has decided that since the company has reached an appropriate level of maturity with a great leadership team, now is the right time to switch. An atypical move maybe, that we admire: not doing what people expect, but pursuing the happy path within your contraints. Read more ›
Working asynchronously with PHP
Assembly Notifications are an important tool we recommend our users leverage to avoid wasting an end-user's time, waiting for Assemblies to finish. This article discusses how to handle Assembly Notifications in PHP so you can use Transloadit asynchronously and achieve a better UX. Check it out ›
Let’s Build: Screen Reader Plugin
When we introduced our /speech/transcribe Robot, we thought it would be a good idea to cover it in more detail through our "Let's Build" series. To showcase the Robot's capabilities in a meaningful way, we walk you through how you can create a screen reader plugin from the ground up that can be added to your website, so that users can listen to your content instead of reading it. Check it out ›