Nov 1 pricing & export quota update at Transloadit

Here at Transloadit we strive to provide the best value to our customers, and as part of that mission we have lowered our prices for the past 6 years whenever the opportunity was available. Unfortunately, continuously rising cloud maintenance costs, and global inflation, have made it necessary for us to update our pricing.
Pricing adjustment for exporting transcoding result files
After much deliberation, we decided against a general pricing increase of 10-20% to account for inflation. Instead, we chose an approach with less impact on you as our customer and one that keeps you more in control of the charges.
Effective from November 01, 2023 we are introducing the following changes to our pricing structure.
- Exporting transcoding result files via our storage Robots will begin counting towards your monthly quota. Previously, only exports of uploaded files were counted.
- The discount on import and export Robots will
be lowered from 90% to 85%. The
Robots are excluded from this update, remaining at 90% discount. This means that, for example, exporting a 1GB file to a destination other than Amazon S3 will now count 150MB towards your monthly quota instead of the previous 100MB.
We understand that price adjustments can be unexpected and we want to assure you that this decision was not taken lightly. We believe this adjustment is essential for us to continue providing high-quality services and to ensure sustainable growth, without a general price increase.
We highly value your partnership and trust, and are dedicated to assisting you throughout this transition. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to our customer service team.