Are there any discounts?

Yes! Certain features are lighter on our infrastructure and we can offer them at large discounts, or even for free:

  • File filtering costs 1% of file sizes
  • Meta data extraction costs 1% of file sizes
  • Uploading, importing and storing files costs only 10% of file sizes
  • Encoding, looping or merging audio files as well as concatenating audio/video costs only 25% of file sizes
  • Extracting thumbnails from videos costs only 10% of file sizes

We have more discounts for other features, too. They will be advertised in the respective parts of the documentation.

Students and teachers can use Transloadit for free through our GitHub partnership.

Open source projects and nonprofits can use Transloadit for free by placing a "powered by Transloadit" link on their website. Reach out.

See also:

How do I set up a Dropbox app? How can I limit the output duration of my videos? Are there limits for upload time or processing time?