Retrieve list of Templates

Warning: This endpoint requires your Auth Key to have the templates:read scope.

GET query components

  • Passing signature is required. For more information please check Signature Authentication.
  • Passing params is required. It should be first JSON encoded and then URL Encoded with the keys as shown in the table below.

Supported keys inside the params query component

  • auth

    Object required

    Contains at least your Transloadit Auth Key in the key property.

    If you enable Signature Authentication, you'll also set an expiry date for the request in the expires property like so:

      "key": "23c96d084c744219a2ce156772ec3211",
      "expires": "2024/01/01 16:53:14+00:00"

    The referer property is a regular expression to match against the HTTP referer of this upload, such as "example\.org". Specify this key to make sure that uploads only come from your domain.

    Uploads without a referer will always pass (as they are turned off for some browsers) making this useful in just a handful of use cases. For details about regular expressions, see Mozilla's RegExp documentation.

    The max_size property can be used to set a maximum size that an upload can have in bytes, such as 1048576 (1 MB). Specify this to prevent users from uploading excessively large files.

    This can be set as part of the Assembly request or as part of the Template.

    The file size is checked as soon as the upload is started and if it exceeds the maximum size, the entire upload process is canceled and the Assembly will error out, even if it contains files that do not exceed the max_size limitation.

    If you want to just ignore the files that exceed a certain size, but process all others, then please use 🤖/file/filter.

  • page

    Integer ⋅ default: 1

    Specifies the current page, within the current pagination

  • pagesize

    Integer(1-5000) ⋅ default: 50

    Specifies how many Templates to be received per API request, which is useful for pagination.

  • sort


    The field to sort by. Default value is "created". Valid values are ["id", "name", "created", "modified"].

  • order


    The sort direction. Can be "desc" for descending (default) or "asc" for ascending.

  • fromdate


    Specifies the minimum Assembly UTC creation date/time. Only Templates after this time will be retrieved. Use the format Y-m-d H:i:s.

  • todate

    String ⋅ default: NOW()

    Specifies the maximum Assembly UTC creation date/time. Only Templates before this time will be retrieved. Use the format Y-m-d H:i:s.

  • keywords

    Array of Strings ⋅ default: []

    Specifies keywords to be matched in the Assembly Status. The Assembly fields checked include the id, redirect_url, fields, and notify_url, as well as error messages and files used.


Either returns with the error code TEMPLATE_LIST_ERROR or with a JSON list of found Templates.