
To build all of Transloadit we didn't just invent a few Robots, we also invented some vocabulary to go with it. For reference, here is all of Transloadit's Terminology in one place.


Assembly ID • Assembly URL • Assembly IDs • Assembly URLs • Assemblies

An Assembly is the execution of file conversion instructions (Assembly Instructions) on uploaded and/or imported files. Each Assembly has a unique assembly_id identifier for referencing in subsequent API requests.

Assembly Execution Progress

Assembly Progress • Execution Progress

Assembly Execution Progress provides real-time estimates of an Assembly's execution. The percentage is calculated based on the Steps in the Assembly, both for overall progress and individual file progress.

Assembly Instructions

Instructions • Encoding Instructions

Assembly Instructions comprise all the Steps executed on uploaded/imported files by the Transloadit back-end during file conversion or encoding.

Assembly Notification

Assembly Notifications • Notification • Notification URL • Notification URLs • Notifications

An optional feature that sends a POST request to a specified URL when an Assembly finishes executing, containing the Assembly Status.

Assembly Replay

Assembly Replays

A feature allowing the re-execution of Assemblies within 24 hours if the original uploads completed successfully and the Instructions were saved in a Template. Automatic for ASSEMBLY_CRASHED status, but also manually triggerable.

Assembly Status

Assembly Status JSON • Assembly Status JSONs • Assembly Statuses

A JSON-formatted endpoint providing comprehensive information about an Assembly, including its id, uploads, results, execution duration, and more. Useful for retrieving result file URLs.

Assembly Step

Step • Steps • Assembly Steps

A single file conversion operation within an Assembly, performing tasks like encoding, resizing, or conversion. Steps can be named as desired in the Assembly Instructions.

Assembly Variable

Assembly Variables

Special placeholders (e.g., ${file.original_basename}) used in Robots to dynamically influence encoding behavior based on the current file or hidden form field values.

Async Mode

Async Modes

An operation mode where the client can proceed immediately after request/upload completion, with Transloadit notifying the client's back-end of results via an Assembly Notification.

Auth Key

Auth Keys

A public identifier for your Transloadit account, similar to a username, used for automation.

Auth Secret

Auth Secrets

A private key for your Transloadit account, similar to a password, used for secure automation. Should be kept confidential and can be regenerated if compromised.

Batch Queue

Batch Queues

A processing queue for slower, non-urgent jobs, used for Import Robot results, large volume processing, or on customer request. Ensures high-priority tasks remain responsive.

Collaboration Seats

Collaboration Seats

A feature allowing multiple users with different email addresses to collaborate on the same App Templates and Assemblies without sharing the main account login.

Encoding Job

Job • Jobs • Encoding Jobs

The smallest processing unit in Transloadit, such as a single video encoding or image resize, executed on encoding machines.

Job Slot Limit

Slot Limit • Slot Limits • Job Slot Limits

A configurable per-customer value determining when Encoding Jobs move from the Live Queue to the Batch Queue.

Live Queue

Live Queues

Transloadit's fast-processing lane with limited, configurable capacity for near-realtime job handling, ensuring quick processing of high-priority tasks.

Priority Job Slot

Priority Job Slots

A unit of processing capacity, with jobs occupying up to 8 slots based on estimated resource requirements. Used to manage queue allocation for customers or IPs.



A programmatic interface for initiating Transloadit encoding jobs, accessible via HTTP(S). While usable with any platform or language, using Transloadit's SDKs is recommended for efficiency.

Rate Limiter

Rate Limiters

A system protecting customers by limiting Assembly creation to 250 per minute and 250 concurrent Assemblies by default. Limits can be adjusted upon request.



Specialized processing units in Transloadit, each performing a specific file operation. Robots can be combined in Assemblies to create custom workflows and encoding pipelines.

Robot Parameter

Robot Parameters

Step parameters that influence a Robot's behavior, such as width for image resizing, as opposed to Assembly flow parameters like use.

Signature Authentication

Signature • Signatures • Signature Authentications

A security measure using the Auth Secret to encrypt instructions and expiration dates, preventing tampering and unauthorized Assembly submissions.

Signature Authentication for Notification

Signature Authentication for Notifications

A security feature for verifying the authenticity and integrity of Notifications sent by Transloadit to your backend.

Sync Mode

Sync Modes

An operation mode where the client waits for file transmission and encoding to complete before receiving and processing results.


Template ID • Template IDs • Templates

A secure storage mechanism for Assembly Instructions in your Transloadit account, referenced via a template_id parameter in API requests for lightweight and secure operations.

Template Credentials

Template Credentials

Securely stored access credentials for storage providers (e.g., Amazon S3, Google Storage) in your Transloadit account, reusable across multiple Templates.

Template Editor

Template Editors

A UI tool in the Transloadit account section for creating and editing Templates, featuring a code editor with support for the declarative JSON language used in workflows.