
You can send us your Assembly Instructions directly with each request, or you can save them in a Template and refer to its template_id in your requests.

Sending Instructions directly allows for quick prototyping, but saving them in a Template comes with some advantages:

  1. You can refrain from transmitting sensitive data and implementation details with each request to encode. This is especially interesting when you integrate with browsers.
  2. Paired with "allow_steps_override": false, Instructions cannot be tampered with.
  3. Paired with Assembly Notifications, you can enable Assembly Replays.
  4. If you integrated Transloadit into an app, you can change the encoding settings without deploying or waiting for an App Store to release a new version.

How to create a Template

  1. Create a Template in your account.
  2. Give your Template a name for future (human) reference.
  3. Provide the Assembly Instructions JSON for your Template. You can select examples from a list, let our Wizard generate Instructions, duplicate an existing Template, or start from scratch.
  4. Hit save.

Once the Template is saved, a page is displayed showing the Template you created. At the top of the page, the Template's ID is shown, e.g., 4b62ee4dbb38455d96fe13d972ec3211. You can then copy/paste this ID into your integration code's template_id, or look further down the Template Editor where we already show examples including this ID.

Note: The Template Editor also has a testing area where you can test your Templates along with an upload form right in the browser without updating your integration (you don't even have to hit save).

Overruling Templates at runtime

You would think they are mutually exclusive, but it is possible to supply both template_id and steps inside params, as this lets you change Template behavior at runtime. In fact, any other property inside params, with the exception of allow_steps_override, will be recursively merged over the Template that is loaded via template_id.

For example, let's take a look at the following Template that handles an upload, encodes a video to play well on iPads, and saves the result on S3:

  "steps": {
    ":original": {
      "robot": "/upload/handle"
    "encoded": {
      "use": ":original",
      "robot": "/video/encode",
      "preset": "ipad-high"
    "exported": {
      "use": "encoded",
      "robot": "/s3/store",
      "credentials": "YOUR_S3_CREDENTIALS",
      "bucket": "main-bucket"

When you create an Assembly, we can tweak the Template's behavior at runtime, for instance, by adding a steps property:

  "template_id": "4b62ee4dbb38455d96fe13d972ec3211",
  "steps": {
    "exported": {
      "bucket": "another-bucket"

This is then merged by Transloadit to create the following Assembly Instructions:

  "steps": {
    "encoded": {
      "use": ":original",
      "robot": "/video/encode",
      "preset": "ipad-high"
    "exported": {
      "use": "encoded",
      "robot": "/s3/store",
      "credentials": "YOUR_S3_CREDENTIALS",
      "bucket": "another-bucket"

As you can see, the bucket value changed from "main-bucket" to "another-bucket". This can be convenient and powerful in trusted environments.

In other environments, you may want to disallow overriding of Steps so that a browser cannot modify the behavior. To do so, you would set allow_steps_override to false inside the saved Template, like so:

  "allow_steps_override": false,
  "steps": {

Now, only main-bucket will ever be used, whether additional steps were supplied, or not.

Template options

Besides steps and allow_steps_override, there are more options to control an Assembly's behavior.

Since most of them can also be set when not using Templates, they are documented in the API docs for Creating a New Assembly. However, if you integrate Transloadit into untrusted environments such as browsers, an abuser could easily change them. So, to allow dynamically changing a Template's parameters in untrusted environments, consider using Signature Authentication.