How can I limit the size of files uploaded by my users?

Use the max_size parameter to set a maximum size that an upload can have in bytes, such as 1048576 (1 MB). Specify this to prevent users from uploading excessively large files. This can be set as part of the Assembly request or as part of the Template.

Keep in mind that this is not an individual file size limit, but a total size limit. So if you specified a limit of 10MB and your user uploads 3 files with 5 MB each, the request would still get blocked! As soon as the upload starts, and if it exceeds the maximum size, the entire upload is canceled β€” even if it contains files that do not exceed the max_size limitation.

If you want to just ignore the files that exceed a certain size, but process all others, then please use our file filtering capabilities.

See also:

Do you offer custom payment plans? Which payment plan do you recommend? How can I make sure that an image is actually from my correct user?