Uppy File Uploader
Uppy is an open source file uploader for web browsers by Transloadit. With over 29,000 stargazers on GitHub it is the #1 file uploader in the world. Uploads can survive network hiccups, browser crashes, and accidental navigate-aways thanks to Tus support built-in, and it is the recommended way to integrate Transloadit with web browsers.
The Transloadit plugin for Uppy helps you talk to the Transloadit API. It can be used with all the other Uppy plugins, for example the modal UI file picker with support for imports from third-party services like Instagram, integration with HTML forms, and more.
Transloadit hosts the required server components (Companion and Tusd) for you, as well as of course our encoding API.
For demo purposes, we'll just show one happy path, of using Transloadit's face detection in
combination with a picker, and we'll be using our CDN bundle for easy copy-pastability. Make sure to
with your Transloadit API Key.
<!-- This pulls Uppy from our CDN -->
<!-- For smaller self-hosted bundles, install Uppy and plugins manually: -->
<!-- npm i --save @uppy/core @uppy/dashboard @uppy/remote-sources @uppy/transloadit ... -->
<button id="browse">Select Files</button>
<script type="module">
import {
} from 'https://releases.transloadit.com/uppy/v4.3.1/uppy.min.mjs'
const uppy = new Uppy()
.use(Transloadit, {
waitForEncoding: true,
alwaysRunAssembly: true,
assemblyOptions: {
params: {
// To avoid tampering, use Signature Authentication:
// https://transloadit.com/docs/api/authentication/
auth: {
// It's often better store encoding instructions in your account
// and use a template_id
instead of adding these steps inline
steps: {
':original': {
robot: '/upload/handle',
faces_detected: {
use: ':original',
robot: '/image/facedetect',
crop: true,
faces: 'max-confidence',
format: 'preserve',
crop_padding: '10%',
exported: {
use: ['faces_detected', ':original'],
robot: '/s3/store',
credentials: 'demo_s3_credentials',
url_prefix: 'https://demos.transloadit.com/',
.use(Dashboard, { trigger: '#browse' })
.use(ImageEditor, { target: Dashboard })
.use(RemoteSources, {
companionUrl: 'https://api2.transloadit.com/companion',
.on('complete', ({ transloadit }) => {
// Due to waitForEncoding:true
this is fired after encoding is done.
// Alternatively, set waitForEncoding
to false
and provide a notify_url
console.log(transloadit) // Array of Assembly Statuses
transloadit.forEach((assembly) => {
console.log(assembly.results) // Array of all encoding results
.on('error', (error) => {
For more examples, take a look at
, or
try them live. Uppy and Transloadit are very versatile so you
may have a different need, and likely, we already support it.
See the full documentation for Uppy's Transloadit Plugin, which is the recommended way to integrate Transloadit and Uppy.
Related blog posts
- Hiring a front-end developer for open-source projects October 21, 2015
- The world meets Uppy - the file uploader that we soon hope to unleash July 26, 2016
- Uppy on Product Hunt and #1 trending GitHub JavaScript project December 27, 2017
- Launch of Uppy 1.0: a modern file uploading solution April 25, 2019
- No-code real-time video uploading with Bubble & Transloadit August 2, 2019
- Async PHP integration for efficient Transloadit use July 13, 2021
- Explore Transloadit's new swag shop & earn free merch October 4, 2022
- How Silatus is supercharged by Transloadit and Uppy November 6, 2023
- How to upload files in React June 2, 2024
- Navigating Google's API changes: Uppy plugin updates & solutions February 14, 2025